Newspaper and tablet

Holladay, Utah Makes Citizen Requests Easy

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

The Cottonwood Heights Journal posted an article revealing how Holladay, Utah is using iWorQ Systems software to connect the city to its residents, making it easier for citizens to send requests to city representatives. The article details how the City added the iWorQ Citizen Engagement Application to their existing iWorQ software subscription for permit management and code enforcement tracking. iWorQ’s …


Bloomsburg Pennsylvania Simplifies Flood Plan

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

iWorQ Featured on Local Newspaper’s Front Page iWorQ Systems was recently featured on the front-page news of the Press Enterprise Local Newspaper in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. The article discussed how Bloomsburg is using iWorQ’s software applications to help make the flood recovery process easier and more cost-efficient.The implementation of the software creates a shortcut for the permitting and code enforcement process …

iWorQ Kait 8 News

Blytheville Arkansas Streamlines Code Enforcement Process

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

iWorQ News /  BLOG POSTED: August 5, 2019iWorQ Featured in Kait 8 News.  In this  Kait 8 news clip you will see how iWorQ’s Code Enforcement Cloud-Based Software is helping City of Blytheville, AR, streamline their condemnation processes.   iWorQ has been helping cities & counties for more than 18 years, and our applications make it easy for cities and counties to …