premium data plan storage icon

Increase Storage Space With iWorQ’s Premium Data Plan

Why a premium data plan? Municipalities and counties continue to evolve processes and procedures striving to improve service to constituents and make communities better places to live. iWorQ provides a framework and tools to use less paper – in some cases eliminating hard copies altogether. Signing up for a premium data plan ensures that you will have enough space for …

Take your data with you with iWorQ

Your data is critical to your operations. One of the best services iWorQ offers is data conversion from your legacy system. Most of iWorQ’s community development customers converted data from another software system. This article outlines the process for data conversion and implementation for a permit management application, but the same steps are used for any of our applications, including …

Code Enforcement Simplified

One of the biggest tasks a code enforcement officer has is paperwork. iWorQ simplifies the paper trail with custom letters that code enforcement officers employ with just a few keystrokes in the field on an Internet-connected mobile device. Code officers have access to their cases, their activity schedules, and can enter notes from anywhere, including attaching pictures to cases from …

Group meeting to discuss municipal government

3 Questions to Prep For When Pitching Municipal Government Software to Management

Your boss has asked you to find municipal government software you can use to track _ (fill in the blank)_ more effectively. You turn to the Internet and your favorite search engine, and you find several applications that seem like they might fit the bill. You’ve spent time and money compiling your needs, you’ve seen a few demos, you’ve talked to …

oil gage in a vehicle

Calculate Vehicle Replacement Rating with iWorQ

Maintenance and replacement of a vehicle in a fleet is a major expense. How do you best determine when it’s time to replace? How do you budget for the expense? Municipal and county government, and other entities managing fleets are always looking for better methods to effectively manage trucks, heavy equipment, cars, golf cars, trailers, and more.Fleet management is a …

5 Ways iWorQ’s Work Management Software Simplifies Your Job

iWorQ’s work management software is used by city and county agencies all over the United States and Canada. Our clients have recognized significant time and cost savings by using iWorQ. Here’s five reasons you should use iWorQ work management instead of updating spreadsheets, printing, and handwriting on forms. Track citizen complaints in a single location. Enter work orders quickly with …

Wish you were here at #iWorQ15

Today marks the start of #iWorQ15, the annual training conference for public works, community development, and fleet professionals who use iWorQ every day. Nearly 150 people are registered for two days of instruction, including one-on-one training, networking, and teambuilding activities. All iWorQ staff participate in the training, instruction, and conference organization. If you’re a customer who couldn’t join us this year, …

Effective stormwater management with iWorQ

iWorQ develops stormwater management applications that meet Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program requirements. Municipalities and counties are required to employ stormwater management programs, including stormwater permits (SWPP), inspections, maintenance schedules and histories, and illicit discharge investigations. Stormwater is precipitation – including rainwater and melted snow – that runs off streets, lawns, and other sites. Stormwater is absorbed into …

#iWorQ15 conference planned August 18-19, 2015

LOGAN, UT – Every year iWorQ hosts an Annual Training Conference as an opportunity for one-on-one teaching, to learn about iWorQ applications, to have fun, and meet iWorQ staff. During this two-day event, people from all over the country come to The Riverwoods Conference Center in Logan, UT. This conference is an engaging way for iWorQ clients to become experts with the …

Learning Highway Sign

Register for #iWorQ15 by June 30 for discounted rate

There are only 2 weeks left to register for the iWorQ 2015 conference at the early bird rate! The agenda is almost set, with learning tracks for end users in work management, fleet management and community development. One on one training sessions are available during both days of the conference, and we’ll be doing several fun activities during the day …