Sewer Management

Alexa Bosen

Software to manage your wastewater assets

The management of sewage and wastewater is necessary to maintain in order to keep water clean and the public healthy.  iWorQ’s sewer management creates an inventory for all your conveyance and collection assets to ensure that inspections and maintenance are up to date. With Sewer Management, you’ll be able to save money by extending your sewer system’s life and finding cost-effective options.

Have access anywhere

With Sewer Management, you can get rid of printed maps and paper work orders. All wastewater operations can now be updated in the office or out in the field on a mobile device in real time.

Interactive GIS map

With iWorQ’s interactive map, you can upload your existing GIS data or manually plot your assets – making it easy to update assets in the field or create the fastest inspection route.

Monitor operations and maintenance expenses

Create a maintenance history for each asset, along with associated costs. Run reports within seconds on your data to see how your budget is being used and to make decisions to be more cost-effective.


With iWorQ Sewer Management you can:

  • Track inspection and maintenance history on each individual asset
  • Schedule work and inspections
  • Monitor asset conditions
  • Track labor hours
  • Map and identify assets on an interactive map
  • Update information anywhere – in the office or out in the field
  • Provide access to unlimited users
  • Integrate with Work Management
  • Generate reports within seconds on maintenance and costs
  • Customize your fields for each asset type

Sewer Management can track any asset you have. Here are examples of what current iWorQ users are tracking:

  • Lateral lines
  • Main lines
  • Force lines
  • Manholes
  • Pumps


Stormwater Management – Public Works Software – Water System Management