Explore the ins and outs of TextMyGov

Explore the Ins and Outs of TextMyGov

TextMyGov Customer Exclusive Webinar | Live November 9th, 2022.

Learn tips and tricks to help you make the most of your TextMyGov service in our upcoming customer-exclusive webinar.

Featured Webinar

We are excited to announce our upcoming webinar "Explore the ins and outs of TextMyGov." It will be held live online on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022, airing at 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM MST. Register early to reserve a seat.

In this 25-minute webinar, learn how to effectively manage your TextMyGov service. Get an overall scope of the controls and features within TextMyGov and learn about new updates and how you can use them to optimize your communication with citizens. The new updates include the ability to easily add one-word responses from the unrecognized keyword list and the new stats feature to help you understand how your citizens are engaging.

Tune in at your convenience

Our live webinar stream will be conducted two times throughout the day to give you the flexibility to choose the time that works best for you. Attend the webinar on November 9th in the morning at 9:30 AM MST (8:30 AM PST / 11:30 AM EST.) or in the afternoon at 1:30 PM MST. (12:30 PM PST. /3:30 PM EST.).

Easy Learning with Bite-Sized Classes
Our TextMyGov webinar series equips users with the tools and insight to expand their skills with short easy-to-digest classes presented through a live interactive video and screen share experience.

Attend from Anywhere

Our online webinars offer users the ability and convenience to learn from anywhere. Our webinar platform is multi-device compatible, and users can attend webinars directly from their browsers. To ensure an optimal experience, we advise our users to check out the Webinar Start Guide before attending our webinars. This guide provides a rundown of the system and allows users to do a quick system check.

Join the Mailing List

Webinars are exclusive to current TextMyGov customers. Please fill out the attached form to join the TextMyGov webinar mailing list. Once we confirm your customer status, we will add you to our list.

Customer Exclusive TextMyGov Webinar

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Visit textmygov.com and request a demo to learn how smart texting technology can boost citizen engagement and save your city/county time.


 BLOG POSTED: November 1, 2022

Explore the ins and outs of TextMyGov