Optimize Fleet Management Trip Inspections with iWorQ local government software solutions

Optimize Fleet Management Trip Inspections

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

iWorQ’s Fleet Management Software add-on for Trip Inspections can save your municipality time and money by making it easier than ever to create and manage vehicle inspection forms for your local government-owned fleet. Fleet Management for government agencies can encompass a lot of different public service vehicles within a town, city, or county; from police/law enforcement, fire trucks, garbage trucks, …

Transforming Citizen Communication with TextMyGov. Customer Exclusive Webinar.

Transforming Citizen Communication with TextMyGov

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

TextMyGov Customer Exclusive Webinar | Live January 25th, 2023Learn tips and tricks to help you make the most of your TextMyGov service in our upcoming customer-exclusive webinar.Featured WebinarThe upcoming webinar ” Transforming Citizen Communication with TextMyGov.” will be live on January 25th, 2023, with a separate 30-minute showing at 9:30 AM  and 1:30 PM MST.Join our 30-minute live webinar to gain insider knowledge of how …

Explore the ins and outs of TextMyGov

Explore the Ins and Outs of TextMyGov

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

TextMyGov Customer Exclusive Webinar | Live November 9th, 2022.Learn tips and tricks to help you make the most of your TextMyGov service in our upcoming customer-exclusive webinar.Featured WebinarWe are excited to announce our upcoming webinar “Explore the ins and outs of TextMyGov.” It will be held live online on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022, airing at 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM MST. Register early to reserve a seat.In this …

9 New Classes Added to Summit Agenda!

9 New Classes Added to Summit Agenda!

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

Get even more out of iWorQ’s User Conference with newly added classes!Our online user conference is now open for registration, and the class schedule is available. We are excited to announce that the iWorQ Summit conference just got better with newly added classes to heighten your learning experience. We added 8 mini bonus (45-minute) classes and a new (1 hour) …

2022 iWorQ Summit Registration Open

2022 iWorQ Summit Registration Open

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

Join Us for This year’s Online User Conference!Our online user conference is now open for registration, and the class schedule is available. We are excited to announce our 2022 Summit iWorQ Conference! This event is exclusive to iWorQ customers and FREE to attend. Our online webinar class series is designed to help iWorQ users make the most out of their …

Skyrocket Citizen Engagement with TextMyGov

Skyrocket Citizen Engagement with TextMyGov

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

TextMyGov Customer Exclusive Webinar | Live July, 6th, 2022Learn tips and tricks to help you make the most of your TextMyGov service in our upcoming customer-exclusive webinar.Featured WebinarThe upcoming webinar “Skyrocket Citizen Engagement with TextMyGov.” will be live on July, 6th, 2022,with a showing at 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM MST. You can reserve a seat by registering early.This 25-minute …

How The City of Hitchcock Developed a Cost-Effective Plan to Rehab Its Streets.

How City of Hitchcock Developed a Cost-Effective Plan to Rehab its Streets

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

Audio recorded interview shows how the City of Hitchcock developed a street rehabilitation plan with a PublicWorks1 Road Assessment and Street Level imagery combined with iWorQ Systems Management Software. Featuring: Leroy Thomas, Public Works Operations Manager at City of Hitchcock, Texas. Being able to present the road conditions and costs associated with your city network is a huge value to get approve funding from any city council.

Water Conservation Management Software

New Water Conservation Software Application

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

Does your municipality need a sustainable water management system to preserve your local water supply?With a surge of water shortages across the country and ongoing demand for water resources from population growth and other factors impacting the environment, it is more important than ever for local governments to take action to get their communities involved to reduce domestic water usage …

Celebrating National Public Works Week. May, 15-21, 2022.

iWorQ Celebrates National Public Works Week 2022

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

May 15-21, 2022, marks the date for this year’s National Public Works Week (NPWW).National Public Works Week is an annual celebration of Public Works professionals across the nation. This was originally founded in 1960 by the American Public Works Association (APWA) and has grown every year since with the ongoing efforts Public Works Professionals provide.APWA announced this year’s commemoration with …

2022 iWorQ User Conference Announced

2022 User Conference Announced

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

It’s official! The dates for the 2022 iWorQ User Conference have been finalized. We’re excited to announce this year’s Summit will be split into two different months. We are doing this as an effort to enrich our user’s learning experience and make it easier to attend.Mark your calendars for our live webinar series!August 22nd-26th, 2022, we will host a week …