9 New Classes Added to Summit Agenda!

9 New Classes Added to Summit Agenda!

Marketing PersoniWorQ News

Get even more out of iWorQ’s User Conference with newly added classes!

Our online user conference is now open for registration, and the class schedule is available.

We are excited to announce that the iWorQ Summit conference just got better with newly added classes to heighten your learning experience. We added 8 mini bonus (45-minute) classes and a new (1 hour) core class to help you learn more ways to streamline your agency's processes!

Additional Core Class

We've made an adjustment to the 2nd week of our user conference. We've optimized the schedule by combining our GIS REST Services and Street Level Imagery class on Friday to make room for our Advanced Work Management class on Thursday, October 13th at 10 AM and 2PM. This hour-long Advanced Work Management class will give returning users the opportunity to take a deep dive into the Work Management system beyond the basics.

8 Newly Added Bonus Classes

In addition to our daily webinar classes, we're adding 8 bonus classes for you to learn even more ways to streamline and organize your agency's processes! Bonus class will air on select days at 9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. MST. These reduced 45-minute classes are a great way to equip you with further insight and knowledge during the conference.

New Classes

Week 1 | August 22-26,2022

  • Mon, August 22nd
    Community Development Software Enhancements
    Plus An Inside Look At The New Water Conservation Software
    (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. Length 45-minutes)

  • Tues, August 23rd
    Planning & Zoning Notifications

    (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. Length 45-minutes)

  • Wed, August 24th
    TextMyGov Citizen Engagement

    (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. Length 45-minutes)

  • Thurs, August 25th
    Workflow Permits Advanced
    (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. Length 45-minutes)

Week 2 | October 10-14, 2022

  • Tues, October 11th
    Mobile Work Order Forms
    (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. Length 45-minutes)

  • Wed, October 12th
    (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. Length 45-minutes)

  • Thurs, October 13th
    Backflow/ Cross Connection

    (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. Length 45-minutes)

  • Thurs, October 13th
    Advanced Work Management
    (10:00 AM & 2:00 PM. Length 60-minutes)

  • Friday, October 14th
    Public Works Software Enhancements.
    Plus, An Inside Look At The New Water Conservation Software
    (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM. Length 45-minutes)

View the full schedule 

Register now and pre-enroll in classes!

Pre-enrolling in classes makes it easy to sign up for everything without filling out multiple forms for each class.

If you are unsure which classes you want to attend, you will still be able to sign up for additional courses after your initial registration. However, pre-enrolling in classes early will allow you to reserve your spot for each class. We will send out a final class enrollment confirmation 2 weeks before the conference to verify your attendance plans for each class.

Those who plan to join the classes with a group will need to register each user individually. By doing so, we will be able to tailor the conference experience to each individual and give each of them access links to the webinar and enable users to enter our prize drawings.

Pre-enrolling in classes is available during the registration process for a limited time. Pre-enrollment for Week 1 of the Summit will close on August 15, and will close for week 2 of the Summit on October 3.

What are you waiting for?

Register for our free online user conference today!

Register Now
Learn More

Add classes to your existing registration by filling out Class Change Request Form


Week 1 | August 22-26, 2022 

Featuring Community Development Classes


August 22

Live Webinar at
10 AM and 2 PM MST.
Length: 1 hour

Permit Management Basics

  • Creating a Permit from different sources
  • Templates 
  • Adding a property to a Permit.
  • Adding fees/payments to a Permit.
  • Inspections/Plan Reviews/ Uploads/ Notes.
  • Letters.

**Newly Added

Bonus Class

Live Webinar at
9 AM and 1 PM MST.
Length: 45 mins

Community Development Software Enhancements Plus, An Inside Look At The New Water Conservation Software

  • What's New in ComDev: Permit Enhancements, Code Enhancements, Entity/Licensing Enhancements
  • Water Conservation Features: Analyzing Data, Informing Citizens, Exposing Information


August 23

Live Webinar at
10 AM and 2 PM MST.
Length: 1 hour

Permits / Inspections 

  • Adding inspections on a Permit
  • Inspection Dashboard
  • Requesting Inspections through Portal Home
  • Video Inspections
  • Permit Reporting

**Newly Added

Bonus Class

Live Webinar at
9 AM and 1 PM MST.
Length: 45 mins

Planning & Zoning

  • Templates
  • Workflows
  • Public notifications
  • Plan reviews


August 24

Live Webinar at
10 AM and 2 PM MST.
Length: 1 hour

Citizen Portal Home 

  • Adding details to the Portal Home Page (show examples of what clients have put on their Portal Home page)
  • Creating Web Forms (what Account Manager needs from clients to create Portal Home)
  • Requiring information to be entered on web forms
  • Setting up the Contractor Portal and how the client can change what is viewed, who receives emails and features on the portal
  • Requesting Inspections, Sending Messages, Uploading additional files
  • Examples of Portal Homes

**Newly Added

Bonus Class

Live Webinar at
9 AM and 1 PM MST.
Length: 45 mins

TextMyGov Citizen Engagement

  • Automated responses give you a 24/7 operator
  • Turn texts into work orders or code cases
  • Notify your citizens of emergencies and non-emergencies
  • FOIA Compliance
  • Log History


August 25

Live Webinar at
10 AM and 2 PM MST.
Length: 1 hour

License Management

  • Creating An Entity
  • Attaching Property
  • Attaching A License
  • Adding Fees
  • Processing Payments
  • Issuing Licenses
  • Sending Reminder Letters
  • Adding Additional Contacts
  • Tracking Yearly Inspections
  • Renewal Process
  • Creating Reports In License Management

**Newly Added

Bonus Class

Live Webinar at
9 AM and 1 PM MST.
Length: 45 mins

Workflow Advanced Permitting

  • Setting up a Workflow for a specific project type
  • Processing a permit using Workflow
  • Assessing fees and accepting online payments
  • Issuing and closing the permit


August 26

Live Webinar at
10 AM and 2 PM MST.
Length: 1 hour

Code Enforcement Basics

  • Creating a case from different sources
  • Adding property to the case
  • Adding violations to case
  • Adding Activities
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Uploading images and files to a case

Week 2 | October, 10-14, 2022

Featuring Public Works Classes


October 10

Live Webinar at
10 AM and 2 PM MST.
Length: 1 hour

Work Management 

  • Dashboard and Preferences
  • Customizing WO & Work type
  • Creating New WOs
  • Tracking Details & Costs
  • Saved Searches & Reporting


October 11

Live Webinar at
10 AM and 2 PM MST.
Length: 1 hour

Asset Management

  • Explain versatility of asset management
  • Customizing asset types/fields
  • Creating new assets
  • Parent to Child relationship
  • Mapping assets
  • Adding WO’s and WO schedules

**Newly Added

Bonus Class

Live Webinar at
9 AM and 1 PM MST.
Length: 45 mins

Mobile Work Order Forms

  • More information coming soon.
  • Wed

    October 12

    Live Webinar at
    10 AM and 2 PM MST.
    Length: 1 hour

    Fleet Management

    • Dashboard and Preferences
    • Customizing vehicle information and maintenance types
    • Adding maintenance
    • Tracking details and costs
    • Inventory
    • Vehicle Replacement Rating

    **Newly Added

    Bonus Class

    Live Webinar at
    9 AM and 1 PM MST.
    Length: 45 mins


    • Automated responses give you a 24/7 operator
    • Turn texts into work orders
    • Notify your citizens of emergencies and non-emergencies
    • FOIA Compliance
    • Log History


    October 13

    Live Webinar at
    10 AM and 2 PM MST.
    Length: 1 hour

    Work Management Advanced

    • Create a work order template
    • Setting up a work order schedule
    • Linking a work order to an asset
    • Inventory
    • Creating a work order from the map

    **Newly Added

    Bonus Class

    Live Webinar at
    9 AM and 1 PM MST.
    Length: 45 mins

    Backflow Cross Connection

    • Mass letter creation for testing notices
    • Online portal for testers to submit results
    • An email detailing test results


    October 14

    Live Webinar at
    10 AM and 2 PM MST.
    Length: 1 hour

    GIS & Rest Services & MX7 Street Level Imagery

    • Explanation of rest service and required components.
    • Explanation of how updates occur (client to iWorQ and iWorQ to client).
    • Visual demonstration on iWorQ map with points, lines, and symbology.
    • 360 Degree .jpg w/ asset collection

    **Newly Added

    Bonus Class

    Live Webinar at
    9 AM and 1 PM MST.
    Length: 45 mins

    Public Works Software Enhancements.
    Plus, An Inside Look At The New Water Conservation Software

    • What's New in Public Works
    • Water Conservation Features: Analyzing Data, Informing Citizens, Exposing Information
    Register Now

     BLOG POSTED: August 9, 2022

    2021 iWorQ Summit Class Schedule Available Now
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