Customer Exclusive Webinar | Discover What's New in TextMyGov

Discover What’s New in TextMyGov | Customer Exclusive Webinar

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TextMyGov Customer Exclusive Webinar Series Continues 

Join the TextMyGov customer-exclusive webinar series to get the inside scoop on all things TextMyGov. Discover new features, best practices, and tips & tricks to optimize your agency and reach new heights in citizen communication.

Featured Webinar

The upcoming webinar "Discover What's New in TextMyGov" will be held on April, 6th, 2022. 

Tune in at your convenience. We will be going live at two separate times during the day to give you the flexibility to select the time that works best for you. Join us on April 6th in the morning at 9:30 AM MST. (11:30 AM EST.) or in the afternoon at 1:30 PM MST. (3:30 PM EST.).

In this 25-minute live webinar, you will learn about TextMyGov's new enhancements and how to use them. This includes the geo-location and scheduling tool. In addition, we will touch on the basics of the system, and we will discuss promotional materials available in the Enhanced Media Care package.

Easy Learning with Bite-Sized Classes

Throughout the year, TextMyGov will host new 25-minute webinar classes. These bite-sized classes are designed to make learning easy for users and provide meaningful tools and insight to expand their skills with a live video interactive experience.

Attend from Anywhere

Webinars provide users with the convenience to learn anywhere. Our webinar platform is multi-device friendly and allows users to attend straight from their internet browser. To ensure an optimal experience, we advise our users to check out the Webinar Start Guide prior to attending our webinars. This guide allows users to run a quick system check and view the platform's basic functions.

Join The Mailing List

Webinars are exclusive to current TextMyGov customers. To join the TextMyGov webinar mailing list, please fill out the attached form. Once we confirm your customer status, we will add you to our list’.

Customer Exclusive TextMyGov Webinar

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 BLOG POSTED: March 23, 2022

Customer Exclusive Webinar | Discover What's New in TextMyGov

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