City of Tehachapi Podcast

TextMyGov featured in City of Tehachapi Podcast

The City of Tehachapi recently announced its launch of TextMyGov to its citizens in their Podcast TehachaPod. The Podcast informs citizens of the various ways they can use TextMyGov to text a number specific to Tehachapi to find out information about city events, report issues such as potholes or animal control issues, and allows them to sign up to receive text alerts from the city. Nancy Francom, a representative at TextMyGov, joined TehachaPod as a guest to inform listeners how easy and intuitive TextMyGov is to use.

The City of Tehachapi utilizes various media outlets to keep citizens up to date with what the city is doing. The Podcast is an effective way to reach their audience and inform them of new tools, and as stated during the podcast will make them “Even more effective communicators.

Listen to the full Tehachapod Podcast Episode: TextMyGov Launches in Tehachapi

Looking for more ways to market TextMyGov to Your Citizens?

TextMyGov customers will be able to learn different ways they can market its services to citizens in its upcoming webinar in May. This webinar will be exclusive to customers. Customers who want to join the mailing list for details can sign up here.


 BLOG POSTED: April 9, 2021

TextMyGov featured in City of Tehachapi Podcast

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