Things to do in Logan for #iWorQ16

While you’re here in town, take the opportunity to experience some the local events going on in and around the Cache Valley. Here’s a list of things to look into during your stay in Logan. These events aren’t included in the conference registration. Prices and times vary. Utah Festival Opera – Peter Pan – August 2 and 3 at 1 p.m. …

Public Works Week

Celebrate Public Works Week 2016 with iWorQ

“Public Works is the municipal equivalent of owning a home. It’s a never-ending effort to keep the lawn watered and mowed, house painted, roof intact, driveway smooth, sidewalks snow-free, landscaping trimmed, and taxes paid,” said Stephanie Johnston in a recent article in Public Works magazine.About Public Works Public works professionals in your community provide the infrastructure and services that you’ve …


iWorQ celebrates National #PublicWorks Week May 17-23

Public works professionals in your community provide the infrastructure and services that you’ve come to rely upon in your daily life. National Public Works Week, instituted by the American Public Works Association (APWA) in 1960 as a campaign raising awareness for public works in community life, is May 17-23, 2015. Take this opportunity to thank the men and women in your …

iWorQ Logo For City Websites

Please copy one of the following three options, and place it into your website. You must copy the HTML, otherwise, it will not appear correctly on your website.   For assistance, please contact technical support.Option 1 – Text Only Copy text: Powered by iWorQ Will appear as:Powered by iWorQOption 2 – Picture Only Copy text: Will appear as:Option 3 – …

Converting Data from Blackbear or PTWIN32

Outlined here is what it takes to switch from an old permitting software system to iWorQ’s web-based permitting solution. Most of iWorQ’s permit customers were converted from an existing software system. Recently we converted several local government agencies that were using Blackbear Systems or PTWIN32.Converting the data The primary steps of the process include: Identifying the types of permits and …

2012 User Conference

iWorQ is hosting our 2012 Annual User Conference here in Logan, Utah! Come join us for 2 days of seminars, one-on-one time with our techs, delicious food, and fun activities! Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet the staff here at iWorQ Systems and become better familiarized with your iWorQ applications. Not only will our customers receive training and tips …

NO RFP Needed

Blog Post RFP Information To purchase iWorQ you will NOT need to go through the Request for Qualification (RFQ) and Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Historically government agencies have used RFQ and RFP as part of their purchasing process. These purchasing methods were primarily used to facilitate a bid, make a large purchase, or as part of a complex sale. …

2011 iWorQ User Conference

iWorQ is hosting our 2011 Annual User Conference here in Logan, Utah! Come join us for 2 days of seminars, one-on-one time with our techs, delicious food, and fun activities! Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet the staff here at iWorQ Systems and become better familiarized with your iWorQ applications. Not only will our customers receive training and tips …