2023 User Conference Announced. iWorQ Summit Online Webinar Series.

2023 User Conference Announced

We're excited to announce the dates for the 2023 iWorQ Summit User Conference, where municipalities and counties come together from all over the United States and Canada to learn how to streamline day-to-day operations through our free online webinar series.

The iWorQ Summit is a customer-exclusive annual event designed to help users better understand iWorQ Systems' key functions. This year, we're making it easier for everyone to attend by holding the event entirely online across two separate weeks and occurring during two different months. This will allow different departments to attend based on the various iWorQ applications being utilized, and space them out to fit within your busy schedules.

Mark your calendar for our live webinar series!

The first week of Summit will be August 21st - 25th, 2023, and will include classes from our Community Development Software Suite.

The second week, taking place from October 16th - 20th, 2023, will have classes focused on our Public Works Software Suite.

2023 Online Webinar Summit Series

Free live webinar classes will be held daily for iWorQ users, with an hour-long online class. Additionally, on select days, we will also host a bonus 45-minute class to give you even more expert tips and tricks.

Each class will be presented by an expert iWorQ team member. At the end of each webinar, we reserve time for a Q&A session, go over other event details, and there will be chances to win prizes! We will also be hosting each class at two separate times of the day to give you the flexibility to select the time that works best for you. (More details & class schedule to come).

Week 1 | August 21-25,2023

Community Development Software Suite Classes.

Week 2 | October 16-20, 2023

Public Works Software Suite Classes.

The Online User Conference is exclusive to iWorQ customers and FREE to attend.

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn and gain insight into iWorQ Systems. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks to be able to register and view the official class schedule. iWorQ users will be notified through email, and we will also be posting an update on our public and customer exclusive blog. To keep up with all the iWorQ updates and enhancements, be sure to join this customer exclusive blog, for all insider news. Contact us by emailing support@iworq.com to get access to the customer exclusive blog today.

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Master Your Processes
With iWorQ's webinar classes, our expert trainers & support staff will introduce you to the features and functions of the software with a live screen-share experience. Learn effective tools and gain inside knowledge about the latest software advancements that can simplify your processes.

Live Interactive Experience
Our webinars will be equipped with interactive features that you can engage with. Immerse yourself with a live video and screen-share experience, Q&A sessions, downloadable documents, and a chatroom where users can network with other agencies from across the nation about their day-to-day processes.

Digital Convenience

Sit back and tune in at your convenience, you can view the conference on any device, and it's easy. The webinar works directly from your internet browser. We recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience.

Join The Mailing List

Sign up to receive email updates regarding iWorQ’s 2023 Summit. The conference is always an amazing chance to learn more about your products and is exclusive to current iWorQ customers. To join the mailing list, please click the link and fill out the form we will add you to our list!

Receive iWorQ Customer Exclusive Webinar information.

Subscribe Now

Conference registration and class sign-up forms will be released in the coming weeks. (We will send this information out as it becomes available.)


 POSTED: May 4, 2023

2023 User Conference Announced. iWorQ Summit Online Webinar Series.

Register Now
Learn More