Pavement Rating

Why iWorQ Users Love Our Pavement Management System

iWorQ Systems has been in business since 2001, has more than 1,200 customers throughout the United States, and is proud to offer one of the best pavement management applications in the market. Not only do we offer an exceptional pavement management system, but we also have experienced civil engineers onsite who rate city and roads all over the country to ensure accurate data for cost-effective maintenance.

iWorQ founders, Garyn Perrett and Jared Holland, along with Rex King graduated from Utah State University in Civil Engineering and have rated roads for more than twenty years. Their expertise and knowledge of pavement and asset management have helped them to create a PMS system that benefits our customers in many ways.


We interviewed Les Weilacher, Pavement Systems Manager from Broomfield, Colorado about his experience with iWorQ and the benefits he’s seen.

What benefits have you seen since getting your roads rated by iWorQ?

It makes our database accurate. When a resident calls in, when we have a transverse crack, we know it we already have a plan to fix it. It’s an excellent proactive tool.

How is the data useful?

We use it to manage our yearly maintenance. Our crew pulls the data to see where they need to go instead of driving in a truck and looking for something to fix. It’s very cost-effective.

What would you say to someone considering iWorQ?

I would strongly suggest it. It’s easy. I can’t tell you the times I have been with pavement managers and they have a pavement tool and it’s just not useful. Our Parks Department is looking to signing on with iWorQ for sidewalks and trails. It’s very user-friendly and a great tool.

Learn More

Want to learn more about iWorQ’s pavement management system? Click here.
