Take your data with you with iWorQ

Your data is critical to your operations. One of the best services iWorQ offers is data conversion from your legacy system. Most of iWorQ’s community development customers converted data from another software system. This article outlines the process for data conversion and implementation for a permit management application, but the same steps are used for any of our applications, including code enforcement, rental property license management, inspections, animal control, and business licensing.

Here are the steps of a typical data conversion for permit management data:

  1. Identify the types of permits and forms that are used

  2. Document the inspection sheets and data formats

  3. Analyze the permit fields and the database they are stored in

  4. Update the parcel information (if the data is associated with a parcel number)

  5. Associate contractor information and licenses

  6. Training and implementation

Most agencies start using iWorQ’s cloud solutions within 2 days, and the historical data conversion usually takes less than a week.

Each client is assigned an iWorQ account manager. The account manager requests all permits, forms, inspection sheets, and data. iWorQ has NO per-user fees, license fees, access fees, or support fees. The permits, forms and inspection sheets are configured to look exactly like the forms you currently use. iWorQ has the staff and expertise to convert data from any standard database. Converting data can take a week; however, clients can use the iWorQ permit application, issue permits, and do inspections while the data is being converted.  All iWorQ permits can be associated with a parcel ID. This allows the user to track all the permits that are or have been associated with that property. Parcel information is always available, and iWorQ can request the current information from the city or county. iWorQ helps each client maintain their existing address and location information in a property database.

Most permit applications have some information with regards to the contractors or sub-contractors.  iWorQ can migrate all current contractor information into your new database. iWorQ tracks contractor licenses, provides contractors access to their permits online, and displays all the permits associated with a specific contractor. iWorQ has the best tools for tracking, managing, and providing access for contractors.

iWorQ provides Service NOT Software!

iWorQ has the best service and technical support in the entire industry. Each account gets one-on-one training, support for the initial setup, and unlimited phone support. Training and implementation will not impact your time, and each member of your staff will have access to technical support. iWorQ makes the data conversion and implementation process easy. The technical staff at iWorQ trains and implements clients every day.

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