Dead End street sign

Sign Management Software

Brevard County, Florida's Sign & Asset Management Process

During our annual user conference this summer, Rich Ataman from Brevard County, Florida did a guest presentation about how they utilize iWorQ’s software to manage their assets that serve their population of 500,000+ people.

One of the ways Brevard County stay organized within their agency is by utilizing our Sign Management, which falls under our Asset Management software suite. By being able to map sign locations, attach pictures, input longitude, and latitude coordinates, and create work orders, the application offers a great solution for managing thousands of signs and any sign type within an agency’s jurisdiction.

Straightforward Mapping

iWorQ’s built-in GIS mapping software makes it simple to use a mobile device while in the field to see or track what assets are in the area. The map allows you to add or edit a sign using any mobile device (tablets or smartphones, Android or IOS). This has simplified the process of doing condition assessments, adding pictures, and creating work orders on a sign.

The map utilizes different background layers to give you the option to see the street view, terrain view or hybrid view of the area. Combined with the MUTCD sign codes and pictures, viewing data on the map is simple and efficient.

Condition Assessments

An important part of managing signs is knowing their locations, support type, condition, reflectivity, street visibility, and more. All of these fields can be tracked with iWorQ’s Sign Management and make it easy to determine the recommended service or replacement dates. In addition to its condition, each sign’s dimensions, address, and treatment history are fields that are tracked within the software.

When it’s determined that a sign needs to be repaired or replaced, a few clicks easily creates a work order that is attached to that sign. Once the work order is created, details are added to note the assigned employees, dates for repair, costs, equipment, before and after pictures, and more. Running totals of all work orders assigned to the sign can determine the overall cost of the sign.

iWorQ’s Sign Management systems is a great way to keep your agency’s information in one place. The software is updated in real-time to allow any of its users to view the data. Request a demo today to learn how our Sign Management application can create efficiency for your agency.

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