iWorQ Summit goes digital

iWorQ Summit Goes Digital

Join us online for the annual user conference

August, 17th-28th, 2020

The iWorQ User Conference is an annual event for municipalities and counties to learn how to optimize their processes with iWorQ Systems’ software solutions. This year's conference was initially planned to be held onsite near our headquarters in Logan, Utah, but given recent events we are going digital and bringing the conference to you at no cost!

The conference will now last for two weeks, August 17th-28th.
We will be hosting 45-60 minute online class webinars each day of the event (Monday-Friday).

  • Week 1 will focus on our Community Development Software Suite.
  • Week 2 will focus on our Public Works Software Suite. 

Attend the classes you want! For classes that become full, users will have the option to attend at a later time. Official class details will be released in the coming weeks.

Master your processes

Webinar classes will be taught by our expert trainers & team members that will guide users through iWorQ's software features and functions with a live screen-share experience. Learn about effective tools and new advancements to help improve your agency’s processes.

Live interactive experience

Our webinars are equipped with interactive features that users can engage with. We will have live video and screen share experiences, Q&A sessions, downloadable documents, and a live chatroom where users can chat with other agencies from across the nation.

Digital Convenience

Attendees will be able to sit back and tune in wherever they are and view the conference on any device. It's easy. The webinar works on desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. No downloads needed.

Digital summit

The digital user conference is FREE!
(Previously registered users for our onsite conference will be fully reimbursed)

Conference registration and class sign up forms will become available in the coming weeks.
