Blueprint plans

iWorQ adds functionality to plans review feature

Annotate and draw on plans with iWorQ’s new plans review feature

Plans review is an important piece of the permitting process in many cities and counties. iWorQ users have long been able to upload plans directly to permits as part of the process for review and approval. iWorQ recently developed additional functionality for plans review, which provides users with the following capabilities:

  • Draw on plans
  • Add text to plans
  • Clear/Undo
  • Save and view layers on plans
  • Create multiple reviews

Users save reviews within a single layer. Saving in layers allows others to view as many, or as few, layers as they wish at one time. In order to understand relationships between layers, users input information regarding each layer including who made the review, what type of review is being made, and any additional notes necessary to understand the review. Annotation and layers on plans review allows employees to stay connected and informed regarding their plans without ever leaving the application.

About iWorQ

iWorQ Systems develops cloud-based applications for cities, towns and counties. Since 2001, agencies in all 50 states use iWorQ’s suite of applications to manage public works – including work management, fleet management, sewer management, and asset management and community development – including licensing, code enforcement, permit management, and planning and zoning.

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