5 Ways iWorQ’s Work Management Software Simplifies Your Job

Alexa BosenMaintenance

iWorQ’s work management software is used by city and county agencies all over the United States and Canada. Our clients have recognized significant time and cost savings by using iWorQ. Here’s five reasons you should use iWorQ work management instead of updating spreadsheets, printing, and handwriting on forms.

  1. Track citizen complaints in a single location.
  2. Enter work orders quickly with just a few clicks.
  3. Effectively schedule projects based on priority and status.
  4. Easily report to city and county leadership
  5. Schedule routine maintenance efficiently.

When you track work with iWorQ’s work management software, the software compiles that information as you go, and generating information reports is simple and efficient. Many managers have to compile this data manually, and cross-reference different worksheets and applications. It can take days to prepare for a council meeting – iWorQ will save you time and money. Scheduling routine work, such as lawn maintenance, tree trimming, and weed abatement, is simple with iWorQ. Managers can schedule elevator inspections, boiler maintenance, and pump replacements with a single click.

With iWorQ’s 311 Service Request application, you can track requests, complaints, and other items in a central location accessible from any device, including a laptop, a mobile phone, or a tablet. Requests are routed to the appropriate department and prioritized for follow up as necessary. Once it’s determined that work needs to be done, it’s easy to enter a work order into iWorQ, and assign employees, assets, hours spent, materials and equipment used, and track any inventory used. Mapping the physical location where the work was performed is simple, too. It’s common for public works leadership to provide reports to city/county management highlighting the projects the team has completed, the status of unfinished projects, and the time, resources, and costs related to those projects.

Cities and counties all over North America use iWorQ Systems to manage work, permits, code enforcement, fleet, and more. Want to see how iWorQ would work for you? Fill out the contact form to request a demo.

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