2021 iWorQ User Conference

2021 iWorQ User Conference Announced

Join Us Online For Our Annual User Conference August 16th-27th, 2021

The iWorQ User Conference (iWorQ Summit) is an annual event that allows iWorQ users to come together from across the nation and learn the best practices to optimize their city or county's processes with iWorQ Systems' software solutions. And this year iWorQ is celebrating 20 years in business!

The conference is traditionally held on-site near iWorQ's headquarters in Logan, Utah, but due to the pandemic during 2020, iWorQ held the User Conference online for the first time. We hope to bring back our on-site conference in the future, but with the pandemic's continuation, the Summit will be held online again this year with a live webinar series.

User Conference Webinar Series
Join our live webinar series August 16-27, 2021. (Monday-Friday of each week). The Online User Conference is exclusive to iWorQ customers and free to attend.

Each day of the event, we will be hosting 60-minute online classes. During the first 45 minutes of each class, the topic and training will be presented by an iWorQ team member. The remaining 15 minutes will be reserved for Q&A sessions and will also provide an opportunity to choose prize winners.

The Summit training is split into 2 weeks;

  • Week 1 will feature classes from the Community Development Software Suite.
  • Week 2 will feature classes from the Public Works Software Suite.

Registration and Class Schedule coming soon!

Master Your Processes
Webinar classes will be taught by our expert trainers & support staff that will guide users through iWorQ's software features and functions with a live screen-share experience. Learn about effective tools and new advancements to help solve problems and improve your agency's processes.
Live Interactive Experience
Our webinars are equipped with interactive features that users can engage with. We will have live video and screen share experiences, Q&A sessions, downloadable documents, and a live chatroom where users can chat with other agencies from across the nation about their day-to-day processes.
Digital Convenience
Attendees will be able to sit back and tune in wherever they are and view the conference on any device. It's easy. The webinar works on desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. No downloads needed.

Join The Mailing List

Sign up to receive email updates regarding the iWorQ Summit. iWorQ Summit is exclusive to current iWorQ customers. To join the mailing list, click the link and fill out the form. Once your customer status is confirmed, we will add you to our list.

iWorQ Summit, Learn anywhere on any device

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